Sword Dance
Sword Dance
2012, oil on canvas, 60 × 60 in

The Chinese ideal of neng wen neng wu [facility in artistic and martial skills] isn't about the art of war, or even the choreographic beauty of gong-fu. It's about mastery of fundamentals through practice, deliberate choices created out of self-reflection, and ideas realized in determined action. For those who successfully conquer themselves in this way, the brush and the sword simply become instruments to bring peace to one's community, harmony among the members of one's family, and clarity to one's pursuit of wisdom. They are instruments that should be learned together. A master swordsman will bring strength to his calligraphy and refinement to his swordplay. One cannot truly comprehend the one without the other. The tip of the brush and the tip of the sword are the points on which learning and virtue, moral and physical strength are concentrated.